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star coupler中文是什么意思

用"star coupler"造句"star coupler"怎么读"star coupler" in a sentence


  • 星形偶合器
  • 星形耦合器


  • Once switches prices descend to a acceptable level in the future , this network can be easily transited to full duplex network through replacing the star coupler with fiber switch , only need upgrading driver
  • The author believe that copper cable will be replaced by fiber as the development of network , but now most fiber lan use a switch with fiber interface to get full - duplex operation , and the most important obstacle in deploying fiber lan is the high price of the switch . only some big company can afford the fiber switch and the switches often work in man . in order to lower the costs of gigabit optical lan , this paper presents a workgroup optical network base on passive star coupler ( psc )
用"star coupler"造句  


A star coupler is a device that takes in an input signal and splits it into several output signals.
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